We are hungry for a sense of purpose, direction, and calling in our lives. That’s as basic an ingredient to the human experience as they come. We want to be part of something bigger than ourselves. We want to participate in something that has eternal merit and lasting impact. We do not want to live a shallow, hollow existence. We yearn for deeper meaning, for deeper purpose within our lives. We want to be more than we are.
In On Purpose: Finding God’s Voice in Your Passion, authors Magrey deVega, Sam McGlothlin, Jevon Caldwell-Gross, and Susan Robb help us see God’s purpose for our lives, how to open ourselves to God’s voice, and how to take the first or next step to follow God’s call. Reading this book and exploring life choices alongside others, individuals will learn how to channel their passions, hear God’s voice, and live the life they were meant to live.[1]
Participants should pick up a copy of the book On Purpose: Finding God’s Voice in Your Passion. If you would like the church to order a copy of the book for you, please contact the church office . The cost of the book is $10.50. If the cost of the book will be a problem, please talk to Pastor Andrew. If you would like to order through the church, please let us know by Sunday, May 12th.
- May 26-Introduction and Chapter 1
- June 2- No class
- June 9-Chapter 2
- June 16-Chapter 3
- June 23-Chapter 4
- June 30-No Class
Contact us for Zoom Information or to order the book through the church office
[1] From book’s promotional materials