Maundy Thursday
Our Maundy Thursday service will be at Evangelical UMC on April 6. The service will start at 7 PM. Worshippers will have a chance to have a foot washed if they desire. We will observe Holy Communion. All are welcome!
Good Friday
Our Good Friday service will be at 7 PM on April 7. We will observe the passion of Jesus through prayer, hymns, and scripture lessons.
Sunrise Easter Day Service
At 6:30 AM, we will gather at Londonderry Elementary School for our Sunrise Service. Bring a lawn chair and appropriate clothing for a short, but joyous celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.
Easter Day 10:15 AM Service
Our second Easter Celebration will be at our regularly scheduled Sunday morning worship service at 10:15 AM. Join us for beloved Easter hymns as we tell the Good News of Jesus’ resurrection. We plan to livestream the service on the live section of our website. The service will be broadcast on WMSS at 2 PM.
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