Matt. 25:40 And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’
Matthew 25:40, NRSV
Come join the Middletown/Highspire cluster of United Methodist churches for a mission project followed by dinner on Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 4:00pm in Wesley’s Fellowship Hall. Bring a crockpot of your favorite soup or chili to share. Wesley UMC will provide paper products, bread and drinks.
For our project, we will be filling pillow cases with winter items for the homeless. The kits will be distributed to local homeless encampments, as well as Isaiah 61 Ministries and Christian Churches United of the Tri-County area, both serving the homeless in the Harrisburg Area. Thanks to Threads of Hope for providing the pillow cases that sparked the idea for this project.
Please begin to gather these Items needed to make Winter Blessing Kits for the Homeless:
- Blankets (New or gently used – please wash if gently used)
- Winter hats (unisex)
- Winter gloves or mittens (unisex)
- Socks (unisex)
**Please place any donations in the bins located outside of the Sanctuary doors by Sunday, November 6, 2022**

[…] be joining with the other United Methodist churches in the Highspire/Middletown Cluster to assemble winter blessing kits. The event starts at 4 PM. We will assemble the kits. Afterwards, we will have a chili/soup dinner […]