Educational Opportunities
- Sunday school for all ages at 9 AM in the children’s chapel and educational wing
- Pastor’s Sunday School class on Incarnation (December 3, 10, 17, and 24)
- Second Coming Advent Bible Study (December 4, 11, and 18)
Fellowship Opportunities
- Middletown Parade of Homes open house and chicken and dumpling meal on December 9
- Open House at Parsonage on December 9
- Cookie Social on December 10 after worship in the fellowship hall
Small Group Opportunities
- Prayer Shawl Group on Tuesdays at 1 PM in the educational wing
- Choir practice on Wednesdays at 6 PM in the sanctuary
Special Worship Opportunities
- 50 year plus member recognition in worship (December 17)
- 6 PM Christmas Eve Service (December 24) in sanctuary
- 11 PM Christmas Eve Service with Holy Communion (December 24)
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